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Forum Replies Created

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  • Author
    • #9991
      Peter Ogundairo

      You can publish freely on TW. However, we’d require your content to be very good because it makes a part of your public portfolio. In the meantime, you can write on your favorite topics on a Google docs and share with those around you. Even me, you can add me and send a message here and I’d love to take a look at what you have : )

    • #9987
      Peter Ogundairo

      Let’s start with your areas of interest.

      Do you have any industry you like?

      Examples are finance, crypto, software, etc.

      It’s usually better when it’s something you have a background in or love.

    • #9985
      Peter Ogundairo

      Hi JQ,

      I can totally relate with you, and truly spa is real 😂

      First off, Upwork, Fiver and many of these sites are not dead. Even as a company, we recently picked up projects from there worth $$$.

      But I’ll be honest with you, they require more work than before.

      Have you written any stuff on finance before?

    • #9928
      Peter Ogundairo

      Link to image:

      This link is a screenshot of an interesting convo and I thought to share it. I didn’t join Upwork for the first time in 2021. I’ve tried to join much earlier and this is as far back as 2017/2018. My experience was unsuccessful. One thing I did different in 2021 was enrolling in a mentorship where I got to learn how the system works. I learned how to create a profile that stands out, craft nice proposals, who to apply to when looking for jobs and those contributed to my success on there. I might have figured it out on my own eventually but that would have taken a lot of time. Thankful that I took the bet.

    • #9918
      Peter Ogundairo

      Yes, daily can be a stretch, particularly when you’re just getting started. Twitter counts, but I’ll recommend platforms that allow you to write more freely.

    • #9911
      Peter Ogundairo

      You are right! @Timilehin Adeleke.

    • #9903
      Peter Ogundairo

      Hi Flawless, thanks for the question. The use of AI for writing is still frowned upon in the professional writing space. However, you can use AI tools for research, and even making your writing better – but not as a complete replacement for your original work.

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