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Day 8 – Tip 8: Practice regularly

Discussions Forums Tips and hacks 30 tips in 30 days for tech writers Day 8 – Tip 8: Practice regularly

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  • Author
    • #9915
      User AvatarPeter Ogundairo

      As a beginner tech writer, making writing a regular practice is crucial. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to write, even if it’s just a few sentences. This consistent practice helps you refine your skills, develop your unique voice, and become more comfortable with technical concepts. Remember, progress in writing comes with time and persistence.

      See you on day 9 ✌🏾

    • #9917

      Great tip!
      I think writing daily is a stretch, is it possible?
      Does Twitter count? ;)

    • #9918

      Yes, daily can be a stretch, particularly when you’re just getting started. Twitter counts, but I’ll recommend platforms that allow you to write more freely.

    • #9919

      Right! I think Medium should suffice for freedom

    • #9990

      Which other platforms will make me write freely?

    • #9991

      You can publish freely on TW. However, we’d require your content to be very good because it makes a part of your public portfolio. In the meantime, you can write on your favorite topics on a Google docs and share with those around you. Even me, you can add me and send a message here and I’d love to take a look at what you have : )

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