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Day 1-Tip 1: Learn first, earn second.

Activity Forums Tips and hacks 30 tips in 30 days for tech writers Day 1-Tip 1: Learn first, earn second.

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    • #9886
      Peter Ogundairo

      The primary and most important skill you need to build a successful career as a tech writer is to learn how to write. I know it sounds like obvious advice, but I come across a lot of people who are very interested in the space; however, they do not know how to write or plan to know how to write first.

      If you fall within the first category, I can help, and here are some tips for you.

      1. Do some research on what professional writing means: Although professional tech writing has some elements of day-to-day writing, they are not the same. Understanding the difference is very key in getting started a successful player in the space.

      2. Write, write, and practice regularly: Similar to all skills, you need to practice writing to get better at it. You do not have to start with getting published on a big website or blog. You can easily begin with your notepad, docs, or any other medium.

      3. Get reviews from others: One of my favorite quotes is, “feedback is the food of champions”. One way you can easily speed up your learning process is to have others look at your work. It’s even better if you can find other expert reviews to help with that.

      4. Keep learning and upskilling: The first three points majorly address newbies that are just getting started in the tech writing space. However, even seasoned writers have to keep learning to stay ahead of the curve. SEO, research, use of writing tools, etc, are all spaces you have to keep learning about. This is even more important as the tech writing industry is fast-paced, and you have to make sure you’re on your toes to stay ahead of the curve.

      Do you have any questions or thoughts? Drop a comment here. Also, please make sure you read and share this thread to your network and any other writer out there.

    • #9899

      Thank you for the truth and the quote, “feedback is the food of champions”. Is the use of AI accepted in the professional writing space as an original piece?

    • #9903
      Peter Ogundairo

      Hi Flawless, thanks for the question. The use of AI for writing is still frowned upon in the professional writing space. However, you can use AI tools for research, and even making your writing better – but not as a complete replacement for your original work.

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