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  • Peter Ogundairo posted an update 2 weeks, 1 day ago

    If you have an existing portfolio on TechWriteable, great job! That shows you have tangible experience and can actually start finding jobs and making money.

    The next steps you want to take are:

    1. Add good samples (posts) to your portfolio
    2. Share your posts to your socials
    2. Use your new advanced portfolio to land jobs

    I’ll share some more details.

    A good sample helps you build your portfolio. You can check out mine here ( I have interest in the crypto space and so I wrote on topics in the crypto space. It helps me in two ways.

    A) It shows I am knowledgeable in the field and can reach out to companies in the space
    B) By publishing quality posts I also get to improve my TW Ranking (thereby giving more strength to my portfolio)

    Secondly, by sharing my posts to my socials I am able to show more people that I am a professional writer. This is great for sites like LinkedIn where recruiters are always scouting for who they can hire for the next job. Also, just by sharing, strangers may even connect you to opportunities. But if you don’t share nobody knows what you can do.

    Lastly, once you’ve been able to add enough samples and boost your portfolio score (learn how to build portfolio score here: you can now UNLOCK the full power of your professional portfolio.

    Using your portfolio, you can apply to content writing roles, do cold-outreach to companies or even join freelancing sites like Upwork and Fiverr.

    There’s a lot of opportunities on the other side and I’m looking forward to you all tapping into it.